Terms and conditions

Customer acknowledge that they are aware of the weight limit’s for the size of bin they have ordered and are will to pay extra’s for any weight that goes over thous limits.

Customer are not to place concrete, bricks or blocks into general rubbish bins as it increase the weight limit very quickly.

Customers are not to include Tyres, Paints, gas bottles,battery, asbestos into bins.

Customers will be responsible if there is any fires in bins and will cover cost to repair!

Green waste is not to include branches larger that 100mmin diameter or any large root mass or trunks from palm trees until agree with Westie bins first due to weight limit issues.

Customer are not to move bins without contracting Westie Bins to get permission and customer with pay for any expensive to recover bins that are moved or damaged.

Orders not cancel 12 hours before delivery shall incur a penalty of $100 dollars to cover Westie bins expensive.

Westie bins limited is not responsible for any damage to any trees, low over head power lines or telecommunication chorus lines or any structure that can’t been see by driver in truck mirrors when back into driveways.

Westie bins limited is not responsible for any damage to underground services or driveway surfaces with in property boundary.